Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cock tease? GTFOHWTBS

Really, we're still using this term after all the talk of consent?
If a woman has the right to say no at any time, for any reason, how can we turn around and condemn her for exercising her right?
She has the right to say 'no' without being shamed.
Calling a woman a cock tease is holding HER responsible for HIS erection, and IMO, that's some pretty fucked up shit.
So what she said she wanted sex. So what she let you finger her. So what you asked her to suck your cock and she got turned off completely and rolled over and went to sleep.
I don't care how fucking taut your balls are, she doesn't OWE you a piece of her snatch and if that pisses you off, maybe you should evaluate your level of entitlement.
It's HER vagina, just like it's YOUR cock. You can't get angry at people about their belongings, they're THEIR belongings. If the wind shifts and she decides she doesn't want to share her vagina with you, that's her fucking right.
No one OWES you a fuck, no matter how hot and heavy shit might get between the two of you.
Shame on you for shaming on her.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Make ethics classes mandatory.

You know, sometimes I post some serious stuff. I like pointing out when the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.
Inevitably, someone yells 'troll' or 'whiner' and demands I give them the answers that will magically fix everything, or I should shut the fuck up.
Well, here's my answer. By no means do I think it is the ONLY thing that needs doing, but it's a damned good start.
I really and truly believe we need to make ethics classes mandatory. Mandatory from preschool all the way through to high school graduation.
When I set out to write this piece I went looking for a really good definition that distinguished (for me) the difference between ethics and morals. I found it.
...morals are how you treat people you know. Ethics are how you treat people you don’t know.
We need to start instilling ethics into our children. It's the first and most powerful step in getting rid of all the -isms--racism, sexism, ageism, ableism...all of it.
When you’re a politicians or a CEO, most of what you do will effect people you don’t know, people you can’t know, people who are just statistics to you. You have no personal connection to them, and you never will. This is at the heart of Stalin’s comment that “a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic.” Change the welfare rules, people will live or die, suffer or prosper. Change the tax structure, healthcare mandates, trade laws, transit spending—virtually everything you do means someone will will, and someone will lose. Sometimes fatally.
We've given morality 200+ years and it's been a miserable failure. We have to change gears if we want to survive as a society. We have to stop letting our children believe that the marginalization of people is just collateral damage, and that the marginalized should just suck it up and deal.
When we start teaching our children to treat those they don't know as well as they treat those they do, we'll all be better off.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

So, you got called a cracker and you think you understand racism?

Being called a white epithet isn't racism, it's bigotry. Those bigots might hate you, but white privilege guarantees that hate will never affect every aspect of your life.

Racism is a systemic problem. It creeps into all corners of one's life. It goes beyond being called a foul name.

So many folks want to decry the idea that racism is alive, well and thriving in the good 'ol USofA. They want to stick their heads in the sand while farting out of their asses about how 'those people' should just try harder, do better, "Hey, it's 'Murrica!" after all.

It isn't so, though, and I am going to show you why.

Let's discuss the criminal justice system.

White high-school students who are current users of cocaine: 4.1%
African-American high school students who are current users of cocaine: 1.1%
Chance of a white person ever trying an illicit drug in their lifetime: 42%
Chance of an African-American person ever trying an illicit drug in their lifetime: 37.7%
Percent of felony drug defendants in state courts who are white: 37%
Percent of felony drug defendants in state courts who are black: 37.7%
Percent of white drug felons given probation or nonincarceration sentence by state courts: 32%
Percent of black drug felons given probation or nonincarceration sentence by state courts: 25%
Percent of black drug felons sentenced to prison by state courts each year: 43%
Percent of white drug felons sentenced to prison by state courts each year: 27%
Whites are more likely to do drugs than Blacks or Hispanics:…

Whites are more likely to be in possession of guns and drugs, as found in this NY study:…

According to the US Justice Department and the Office of National Drug Control Policy, drug users typically buy their drugs from sellers of their own racial or ethnic background. For research on Ethnicity & Race of Drug Sellers and Users, see: US Dept. of Justice National Institute of Justice & the US Office of National Drug Control Policy, "Crack, Powder Cocaine, and Heroin: Drug Purchase and Use Patterns in Six U.S. Cities," December 1997, pp. 1, 16, and p. 15, Table 16.

Whites are doing, and selling, more drugs than blacks if we look at the statistics as a whole.


Black males continue to be incarcerated at an extraordinary rate. Black males make up 35.4 percent of the jail and prison population — even though they make up less than 10 percent of the overall U.S population. Four percent of U.S. black males were in jail or prison last year, compared to 1.7 percent of Hispanic males and .7 percent of white males. In other words, black males were locked up at almost six times the rate of their white counterparts.

There also seems to be quite a gap between whites and blacks in sentencing when similar crimes are committed.………
The Supreme Court, in the 2005 case U.S. v. Booker, struck down a 1984 law that required federal district judges to impose a sentence within the range of the federal sentencing guidelines, which are set by the commission.
The law was meant to alleviate the disparity in federal sentences, but critics say placing restrictions on judges can exacerbate the problem by rendering them powerless to deviate from guidelines and laws that are inherently biased. An often-cited example is a federal law that created steeper penalties for crack-cocaine offenses, which are committed by blacks more frequently than whites, than for powder-cocaine offenses. Congress reduced the disparity in 2010.
In the two years after the Booker ruling, sentences of blacks were on average 15.2% longer than the sentences of similarly situated whites, according to the Sentencing Commission report. Between December 2007 and September 2011, the most recent period covered in the report, sentences of black males were 19.5% longer than those for whites. The analysis also found that black males were 25% less likely than whites in the same period to receive a sentence below the guidelines' range.
The Sentencing Commission released a similar report in 2010. Researchers criticized its analysis for including sentences of probation, which they argued amplified the demographic differences.
In the new study, the Sentencing Commission conducted a separate analysis that excluded sentences of probation. It yielded the same pattern, but the racial disparity was less pronounced. Sentences of black males were 14.5% longer than whites, rather than nearly 20%.

This also affects the voting constituency. In some states, convicted felons are stripped of their right to vote. Forever.
Blacks are being systematically stripped of their right to vote via the war on drugs, and it smells an awful lot like Jim Crow. No vote, No voice.

There's racial disparity in the housing market as shown by these studies:……
For a variety of reasons - including continued, if not so open, racism and discrimination - black homebuyers pay more than their white counterparts, get stuck with higher-interest loans and get less home value for the money spent. This is especially true for black homebuyers in low-income neighborhoods, and it has made homeownership for these individuals and their families a risky business.
A recent study published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) uncovered striking racial disparities in the open housing mortgage market. The report found that high-interest loans, many of which are illegal, are three times more likely in low- income neighborhoods than in high-income areas, and five times more likely in black neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods.
In predominantly black communities, high-cost lending accounted for 51 percent of home loans in 1998, compared with only 9 percent in predominantly white areas. HUD further noted that homeowners in high-income black neighborhoods are six times as likely as homeowners in upper-income white neighborhoods, and twice as likely as homeowners in low-income white neighborhoods, to have high- interest loans.
Another study found that black homeowners receive less value for their homes than white homeowners.
The study, which compared home values to homeowner incomes for owners of different ethnic and racial groups in the nation's 100 largest cities in 1990, found that, equalizing for income, black homeowners received 18 percent less value for their homes than white homeowners; white homeowners owned $2.64 worth of house for every dollar of income, while black homeowners owned only $2.16 worth of house. Or to put in another way, for every dollar African-Americans spend on a house, they receive only 82 percent of the value that white homeowners receive.
The study further revealed that the 18 percent gap imposed on black homeowners - the so-called segregation tax - primarily results from a high degree of racial segregation in neighborhoods. Baltimore's segregation tax of 30 percent ranks among the 10 highest of metropolitan areas in the United States, according to the study.
High-cost lending and the segregation tax, combined with block busting, "flipping" and other illegal housing practices, have contributed to a sharp increase in mortgage foreclosures in Baltimore.

There's racial disparity in education opportunities as shown by these studies:

Due to tax bases and education funding, minorities are at a disadvantage educationally. This is tied directly to the housing disparity.……

There's racial disparity in the workforce and in pay as indicated by these studies and articles:

“The lesson of most economic downturns is minorities are the last hired, first fired. They lose jobs more quickly, and they will be the last to recover,” said Roderick Harrison, a demographer at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a think tank that studies minority issues.
"Even when you compare black and white workers, same age range, same education, you still see pretty significant gaps in unemployment rates," said Algernon Austin, director of the Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy program at the Economic Policy Institute. "So I do think the fact of racial discrimination in the labor market continues to play a role."……

There's racial disparity in healthcare:

In another recent study, AHRQ-funded researchers in Boston examined the quality of care provided to hospital patients with congestive heart failure or pneumonia. Quality of care was measured both by physician review and by adherence to standards of care. The researchers found no difference in quality of care for patients from poor communities compared with other patients, after adjusting for other factors. They did find, however, that African American patients received a lower quality of care than white patients.……

There's even racial disparity in the ability to purchase food as noted by the phenomenon called 'food deserts':

"Food deserts," areas characterized by relatively poor access to healthy and affordable food, may contribute to social disparities in diet and diet-related health outcomes, such as cardiovascular disease and obesity. The term "food desert" reportedly originated in Scotland in the early 1990s and was used to describe poor access to an affordable and healthy diet. Although the term "food desert" can mean a literal absence of retail food in a defined area, studies of food deserts more commonly assess differential accessibility to healthy and affordable food between socioeconomically advantaged and disadvantaged areas.
Geographic areas with a high proportion of low-income or African American residents were underserved by food retailers compared with more advantaged areas (19 studies: 18 in support, 1 mixed). Evidence on rural/urban differences was mixed.
Low-income areas (8 studies) and areas with a high proportion of African Americans (5 of the 8 studies) had fewer supermarkets or chain stores per capita and fewer midsized or large stores than did advantaged areas. Three studies combined income and race; in these, areas characterized by low income and a high proportion of African Americans and Latinos had few supermarkets or chain stores per capita . Four studies that were unadjusted for population found few supermarkets or chain stores in low-income and African American areas.……

How many areas of life have to be affected before racism is considered systemic? I've pointed at every aspect here, and all of the studies say racism is alive and well.

So, the next time you get your feelers all hurt and want to cry "RACISM!" because some dude called you a cracker? Remember, being called a cracker or honky doesn't constitute understanding racism. Congratulations, you've just met a bigot. That doesn't come anywhere near close to the experience of systemic racism in America. Apples and hammers.

White people, you have fucking privilege in this country and no amount of screaming it doesn't exist is going to make it so. When every study shows whites have an advantage, you can't deny the existence of white privilege.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to spot a douchebaggacus toolus interneticus

If you're cruising along on a social networking site and happen upon a photo of an attractive person, and your first thought is to comment with a compliment of this caliber:

"This hairy man approves of the presentation of your wildebeest ready body"

You might be a douchebaggacus toolus interneticus.

If, in your little world, this kind of compliment is okay, seek medical help. There is something wrong with you. There is NO WAY 'approves', 'presentation', and 'wildebeest ready' should be in the same sentence purportedly meant as a compliment.

Especially not as a first impression on a virtual stranger.

If you wouldn't say it to a chick in a grocery store without expecting to be kicked in the groin, don't post that shit as a comment on folks' photos.

Christ on a glittery graham cracker. Boundaries people, learn some.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to deal with racists, the Sister Blanca way.

I've noticed a disproportionate amount of racist, white fucks here in Arizona.

I mean, those real racists. The ones that have no fear, or compunction, about letting that word-that-shall-not-be-named pop out their foul mouths. I've been here 6 months and have pulled back more mouth shots than I care to count. Yeah, SisterB don't play that racist shit.

Anyway, there's a couple of young men that live next door, brothers. They're good neighbors. They look out for me. We commiserate out on the walkway. The edgiest thing they do is shoot dice out front. There's never any arguments, or yelling, or fighting. Just a bunch of young guys having fun.

No big deal, right?

Well, apparently for some folks, it's a HUGE deal. Huge enough to come and stand in front of my door, at nearly 11pm, screaming at the top of their lungs. Their speech riddled with swearing and disrespect.

There was much posturing by Mr. White-Man-Rent-A-Cop, who claimed the entire apartment complex as his domain and personal property. I could almost picture him, Ninja-style, pissing all over the complex and marking his territory.


Me, being the cunt that I am, opened the door and gave the frothing guy what-for.

"Um, excuse me, but you're here, scolding these boys who haven't bothered me once ALL NIGHT, at a volume that is completely inappropriate for this time of night. I understand you're trying to do your job, but you can do it with less noise and more respect because, you know, right now you're in front of my door, disturbing my peace."

"I'll be done in a minute, ma'am." --bugs out his eyes at me and goes back to yelling--


--bugs his eyes at me again--to partner--"Call the police."

"Yes, let's call the police so I can file a report for you DISTURBING MY PEACE. Then, you and these boys can all ride to, and sit in, lock-up, TOGETHER."

"You guys just take this inside."

Yeah, that's right Mr. Has-To-Posture-To-Feel-Manly, GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN, WELL, CONCRETE WALKWAY.

And take your shitstain attitude with you.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Capitalism in Ghettalonia, or How We Hustle.

People living in neighborhoods like Ghettalonia are pretty much all the same. Everyone seems to know everyone. Surviving is a struggle and folks help each other out.

Life isn't easy here and people do what they can to make ends meet. Ghettalonians are an entrepreneurial bunch.

See, it gets damned hot in the desert (or cold in the north). Far too hot (or cold) to walk blocks to the store and back. So, what ends up happening is someone will set up shop in their house. Usually in a central location that gets a lot of traffic. Within a small apartment complex, just about anything you might want is easily accessible.

There's a cigarette lady, she also sells ice cold soda.

There's two candy stores where you can get small bags of chips, small nickel candies, $.50 juices and things of that nature.

There's a lady that sells nachos. Another that sells tamales.

So, I decided to toss my hat into the ring. I'm selling frozen cups of Kool-Aid and homemade cookies.

If it goes the way I expect it to go, I'll make my money back for ingredients and double my initial investment.

Not bad for what essentially comes down to a Kool-Aid stand.

I guess I did learn everything I needed to know in kindergarten.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dear Mr. Bigot,

I've been pondering folks like you who screech about LGBT's.

"I don't want those kind of people around my children! GOD says BLAHBLAH!!"

All I am left thinking is, if your faith and indoctrination are so right, if you've done what God told you to do, why are you so insecure about it that you have to shield your children from it? To the point you want to ban any expression of a sexuality not biblically correct? I mean, according to your bible, Jesus sat on a rock in the desert and faced the devil. If you want to be Christ-like, be Christ-like and shake that shit off. If a little "temptation" makes you weak, you weren't very strong in your faith to begin with.

So, if little Billy decides he wants to be called Wilamina and wear a dress to school, and that's what makes him happy, he should have the fucking right to pursue it. It might threaten your carefully crafted bubble, but it doesn't harm you.

This little gem popped up somewhere on the Intertubez and it just..I shook my head.

"There is no reason anyone should be forced to tolerate people"

To this ignoramus I say:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Just so there's no misunderstanding, here's the definitions of unalienable and liberty:

unalienable: un·al·ien·a·ble, adj.
Not to be separated, given away, or taken away; inalienable

lib·er·ty: noun \ˈli-bər-tē\
1: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Which means, yes, you stupid motherfucker, there is a reason. First sentence, second paragraph, Declaration Of Independence. All men are created equal, and that includes the ones wearing a dress.

Take a damned civics class and STFU.

If your belief system, your guidance, your faith, and your God aren't enough to fortify you and your children against differing views, maybe you ought to reevaluate your views, or buy a fucking island and separate yourself from humanity.

-drops the mic-

Monday, May 27, 2013

How much are you -really- worth?

I have a Cree friend I follow on Facebook. He posts many things on Native culture. He speaks of how they lived, how no one was left out, how everyone served a purpose, had a place in the community. I won't claim Native blood, but I can say that something deep within me resonates deeply with the culture.

It isn't that way anymore. Every man for himself. Fuck the little guy. Sucks to be you!

You're only worth as much as the sum of your stuff.

I watched the TED Talk with Amanda Palmer and she was speaking about her stint as a human statue who would move when someone dropped change into her hat and she'd hand out a daisy and make prolonged eye contact with the person. She spoke about people yelling at her to get a job. Being a human statue WAS her job. She went on to talk about how she would make eye contact with these people, and she'd make a connection. That for those few seconds of interaction, two humans made a connection. These connections MATTER.

So, yeah. That mime is doing their job. That human statue is doing their job. That street musician is doing their job.

And? That older, disabled lady down the block who doesn't work, but bakes cookies that make people happy, will babysit in a pinch and always has a meal for someone hungry? She is doing her job. She teaches the young women to cook. She remembers all the old, home remedies. She's the keeper of traditions. She's the the neighborhood equivalent of a medicine woman.

That homeless guy is doing his job. His job is to remind you that he could be you and to show some compassion. His job is to remind you to feel some gratitude.

Single moms who do not work are lambasted for being on welfare, as if raising children isn't a vital part of society.

Married, stay-at-home moms get much of the same vitriol as the single moms, and the so-called 'dregs of society' (which, anymore, translates to anyone who doesn't have a "good enough", "real" job). Except instead of being accused of leeching off the system, she's accused of leeching off of a man.

Even the worst humans among us do their job. They set shining examples of what NOT to be. Even they aren't worthless.

There's always going to be a certain percentage of the population that cannot, or does not, work in a traditional sense. That doesn't mean they don't contribute to society, and it doesn't mean we should look down on them, or let them remain homeless or hungry or completely miserable in their lives.

Worth isn't always about dollars and cents. I wish more people looked past the earning capacity of a person and saw their inherent value beyond their own jaded perceptions.

FDR was a pretty smart cookie coming up with that whole New Deal shindig. He recognized the importance of insuring that in our society, no one ever had to go without. That we, as a society, had an ethical responsibility to our fellow human.

We're losing that, though, and no one seems to want to stop and think about what we're losing with it.

As Americans our ancestors committed what could not be called anything less than genocide on Natives. These people who lived for thousands of years, successfully as complex societies, and they took care of their own. Everyone ate. Everyone was housed. Everyone was clothed. Everyone had a place in society.

They we're nearly annihilated and were replaced with what we have now.

---You're only worth as much as your paycheck.---

We called them savages, and we call ourselves civilized.

I don't think those words mean what folks think they mean.

Battle cry of the Entitlement Brigade!

"You're part of the problem!"

"Your sense of entitlement pisses me off!"


Well, folks, YOUR sense of entitlement pisses ME off.

See, I had 21 years of work history under my belt before I became disabled. I paid taxes for a lot of years. I paid into social security for a lot of years. I was FORCED to pay into these programs. I was forced so in the event I, or someone in my country, needed help to live it would be there. Like insurance. Sometimes you need it, sometimes you don't and you're damned lucky if you never do.

So, how many years is enough, you wailers of 'You're spending my money'? How many years is enough to pay in before it's ok to ask for it back without feeling guilty? Without being accused of being a drug addict and asked to take a test? Without hearing on a constant basis what a drain on society I am? How many thousands and thousands does one need to pay in order to not have to justify how I live my life? How much does one have to pay before they stop being accosted in the grocery store because one felt the desire for a steak?

If that money could have gone into an account of my own, managed by someone I trusted to make it grow, I wouldn't need to be in a program. We're not given that choice, though. We're made to pay into these programs, and then expected to never take advantage of them because...


Fuck you, I paid my fair share.

You don't call the person pulling their money out of the bank entitled.

You don't call the government entitled for taking that shit and fucking it off.

You'd call a bank a thief if they took your money and then said, "HOW DARE YOU ASK FOR WHAT IS YOURS YOU ENTITLED CUNTS!"

You call me entitled, but you're awfully entitled telling me how I should spend what I gave my government in case some shit went down.

Maybe you should call yourself entitled the next time you file an insurance claim. Same shit, different smell.

Don't call me entitled for expecting what the fuck I signed up for when I signed my W-fucking-2.

And don't hate on my fucking steak.

Why MILF is not a compliment in my world.

I hate that acronym. MILF. Mother I'd Like to Fuck.

I learned fairly early on that just because someone wants to fuck you does not necessarily mean they like you.

So, you think calling me a MILF is a compliment? It isn't.

I have a vagina, getting fucked isn't really all that difficult.

No, really, it isn't.

By telling me you think I am hot enough to fuck and neglecting the whole person behind the fuckholes, you insult me. You belittle what makes me a decent human being. You turn me into something not human. You turn me into a toy you want to play with. You reduce me to the sum of my breasts, ass and cunt.

MILF is not a fucking compliment, so, stop saying that shit.

Wanting to fuck me isn't a compliment. Wanting to get to know me is.
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