People living in neighborhoods like Ghettalonia are pretty much all the same. Everyone seems to know everyone. Surviving is a struggle and folks help each other out.
Life isn't easy here and people do what they can to make ends meet. Ghettalonians are an entrepreneurial bunch.
See, it gets damned hot in the desert (or cold in the north). Far too hot (or cold) to walk blocks to the store and back. So, what ends up happening is someone will set up shop in their house. Usually in a central location that gets a lot of traffic. Within a small apartment complex, just about anything you might want is easily accessible.
There's a cigarette lady, she also sells ice cold soda.
There's two candy stores where you can get small bags of chips, small nickel candies, $.50 juices and things of that nature.
There's a lady that sells nachos. Another that sells tamales.
So, I decided to toss my hat into the ring. I'm selling frozen cups of Kool-Aid and homemade cookies.
If it goes the way I expect it to go, I'll make my money back for ingredients and double my initial investment.
Not bad for what essentially comes down to a Kool-Aid stand.
I guess I did learn everything I needed to know in kindergarten.
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